Sunday 8 May 2011

Oh crikey!!!!!

So it suddenly dawned on me that this time tomorrow i'll have had my expander fitted. Yuk!
And if you're interested......Mum was really cool and let me eat all the Cadbury Eclairs i wanted!!!

Apparently my appointment will take 20 minutes and i'm going with lots of questions like what can i/can't i eat?, how do i clean it?, will chlorine in swimming pools make it rust? ( i think i know the answer to this one but it's worth asking), will it really change my speech? (great, i have my year 6 exhibition Thursday with lots of important people, will they understand me?

Before i go, my Daddy sent me a really lovely email of support telling me that even though i already have a beautiful smile, the expander and braces are just going to make even more beautiful. Aaaaaah, love you Daddy x

So until tomorrow.......

Emotion......anxious and scared.

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