Sunday 29 May 2011

Day 21 and day 5 of braces

I am just so so fed up. On the happy side my coldsores seem to be going but my teeth, nose and my sinuses still ache.

Had fun today though, we wemt to the Hong Kong FA Cup Final and it was such a great afternoon, i even managed to have an ice-cream!

Back to the orthodontists tomorrow to hopefully have the expander fixed in place. I'll need to keep the expander in for at least 3 months as anything less than this means it's possible that the palete will move back to its original position. I think she might try to tighten the braces as well but i don't know. Also my teeth seem to have become straighter which i suppose is what wearing braces is all about. Despite the aches, pains, coldsores and whinges it is amazing what has happened in just 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!

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