Friday 27 May 2011

Braces Day 3

Not the best day!!!!

Don't feel too good, braces are really affecting what i can and cannot eat and feeling fed up. Have developed some cold sores around my nose which isn't helping towards my overall happiness so feeling a little sorry for myself.

Did have a bit of a cry last night. We went out for dinner because it was my Dad's birthday, we'd also been to the Hong Kong School Film Awards where we had won 2 awards, anyway i was sitting in the restaurant and my Mum said "you know, you don't have to be brave it's ok to cry", so i put my head on Mum's lap and had a bit of a weep. Mum has been feeling really sad too and said that if she could take away all the aches then she would, she's admitted to having a cry too :-(

Have got lots of messages of support and love from friends so that has helped and i know it's all going to turn out right in the end but it' the now that's hurting.

Emotion - achey and fed up

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